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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Rogue Spear System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-10-18 11:38:37 Views : 21816 Cheatcodes Press 'Enter' during game play then type in the following cheats: avatargod - God mode teamgod - Team God Mode explore - Turn off victory mode 5fingerdiscount - Restores your ammo nobrainer - Turns of AI turnpunchkick - Players 2d meganoggin - Bighead mode bignoggin - All players have a big head clodhopper - Big feet and hands stumpy - Stumpy mode 1-900 - Heavy Breathing theshadowknows - Invisible mode teamshadow - Team invisible mode debugkeys - Enable Debug mode... silentbutdeadly - Fart mode kills all fastactionresponseteam - Fart but no kills monocle - Monocle mode 1-900 - Heavy breathing stumpy - Stumpy Mode normalcolors - Map draw AI normal colors panickedcolors - Map draw AI panicked colors roestatecolors - Map draw AI ROE colors roespeedcolors - Map draw AI ROE speed colors combatstatecolors - Map draw AI combat state colors behaviorcolors - Map draw AI behavior colors psychstatecolors - Map draw AI psychological state colors threatawarenesscolors - Map draw AI threat awareness colors awarenessstatecolors - Map draw AI aware colors alertnessstatecolors - Map draw AI alertness colors aiplancolors - Map draw AI plan colors levelmaps - Map draw level maps testplan - Map draw test plan drawplan - Map draw plan pathpointlinks - Map draw path point links coverpoints - Map draw cover points pathpoints - Map draw path points objectwalls - Map draw object walls obstaclewalls - Map draw obstacle walls Docks level: Sniper spot: The following trick works especially well in multi-player mode. Equip yourself with a nice sniper gun (for example, Dragonuv, PSG, Walther 2000, etc.) If in multi-player mode, put your team in the "Chop Shop". There should be two or three doors. Go through the one that is well-lit and is glowing a yellowish color. When you walk out, you will see three trailers to your left. There should be a fence directly ahead of you with an opening on the right side. When you walk up to it, you will notice it is the end of the map and you cannot go through it. However, keep clicking forward and keep hitting run off and on again, to eventually get through. Go back as far as you can and take your sniper gun. You can now see almost the entire stage by strafing left and right, but enemies cannot see you. It is a good idea to have someone on your team acting as your cover. Have them be the bait and cover you until you get in. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Rogue Spear cheat codes.
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